August 29, 2023 – One of the purposes of The Foundation of Cinematography is to  remove barriers and increase access to the film and television industry for underrepresented communities.  In this effort, we partnered with the Canadian Society of Cinematographers to carry out their Field of View Mentorship program ram — a program that would pair up a Mentor with 10 or more years experience (most likely male and white) with a Mentee (with a focus on BIPOC, women or LGBTQ+ individuals.) Industry wide, only 8% of cinematographers are women, BIPOC even less, and so the mentors were, by far, are made up of White men.  The mentees, however, was majority non-white and nearly 40% female or non-binary, the beginning, we hope, of the opportunity to facilitate a demographic shift in the world of camera arts.  

For the full report, click here.



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